PMI Technical Workshop in February 2022
16 Feb 2022

Getting the Instrument Right: Identify, design, and implement carbon pricing instruments - Day 2

English Recording

French Recording

Spanish Recording

Session 3: Implementing multiple carbon pricing instruments: Why and how and what we have learned
While the identification and implementation of more than one carbon pricing instrument, either at a same time or in a phased manner and in different sectors, is context specific and responds to meet different policy and market objectives, such an approach can increase complexity of design as well as implementation. This session will discuss the opportunities to implement, the challenges with implementing multiple CPIs, how to select those instruments and what we can learn from jurisdictions that have already implemented or are planning to implement multiple instruments.
Moderator: Carolyn Fischer, Research Manager, DEC, World Bank
Scene Setting Presentation: Knut Einar Rosendahl, Professor, School of Economics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Session 4: Considerations and challenges: How to proceed?
As many countries are now planning to implement carbon pricing instruments and increase their readiness under the PMI, this session will share and discuss what we learnt from the decade of experience from the Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR). We will hear from countries that have already implemented a carbon price to understand what countries should consider, how to plan and implement, what challenges to be aware of and options to overcome them.
Moderator: Malin Ahlberg, Deputy Head of Division, New Market Mechanisms, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Germany


Getting the Instrument Right: Identify, design, and implement carbon pricing instruments - Day 2

16 Feb 2022