The Partnership for Marketing Implementation (PMI) offers support through four main pillars:

Country Engagement

Supporting countries to build their capacity to design and implement carbon pricing policies

Advisory support to more than 27 jurisdictions through:​

  • Multi-year carbon market readiness & implementation support programs​
  • Targeted regional capacity building programs
  • Just-in-time support grants
Compact with Africa Green business fund Text With Africa map
The Compact with Africa (CwA) Green Business Fund supports locally led climate-smart initiatives, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Africa, using coordinated and country-specific approach.
Knowledge Program

Supporting the development of technical knowledge products, tools and assessment framework

  • Creating guidebooks on carbon markets and carbon pricing topics; sharing lessons learned from others.
  • Generating up-to-date carbon market intelligence: Annual State and Trends of Carbon Pricing report; Carbon Pricing Dashboard
  • Global-sharing events and learning/capacity building products
Image for Knowledge Program
The State and Trends of Carbon Pricing Dashboard is an interactive online tool aimed at policymakers, businesses, and researchers. It provides the latest information on existing and emerging direct carbon pricing initiatives around the world.
State and trends knowledge
The State and Trends of Carbon Pricing series reflects on the growing momentum for carbon pricing worldwide. It targets public and private stakeholders engaged in carbon pricing design and implementation. This report provides an overview of existing and emerging carbon pricing instruments around the world, including regional, national and subnational initiatives.
Innovation Program

Prototype innovative instruments that help mobilize scaled-up public and private capital

  • Supporting with supply and demand of Emission Reduction Credits
  • Infrastructure for the carbon markets through the Climate Warehouse
  • Creating an enabling environment for carbon markets
Multi color lines joined
The Climate Warehouse program prototypes, tests, and develops digital infrastructure to foster greater transparency, trust, and integrity in the carbon markets. Examples include the Climate Action Data (CAD) Trust, digital MRV systems, national carbon registries, tokenization instruments, and a one-stop resource platform that enhances knowledge-sharing and capacity- building.
Advocacy, Outreach & Partnerships

Convening strategic partnerships and hosting flagship events

  • Carbon Action Forum
  • Digital for Climate
  • Climate Market Club
  • Regional Climate Weeks
  • Knowledge Partners under PMI
A blue background with white text as innovative climate
Innovate4Climate is a platform for dialogue between the public and private sectors to showcase opportunities and innovations for low-carbon, resilient development, and to foster the exchange of knowledge to promote investments in proven transformative climate-smart solutions.
Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition
CPLC brings together leaders across government, private sector and civil society with the goal of placing effective carbon pricing policies that maintain competitiveness, create jobs, encourage innovation and deliver meaningful emissions reductions.